Letters to Shenita

Send your friends or loved ones cute letters on the internet!

Ready to get started? Login or Sign Up

How it works

  1. Sign up for an account and create your first mailbox by entering your recipients contact information
  2. Draft and send a letter showing how much you care about them
  3. They'll get a link in their email inbox to view your letter instantly
  4. They'll get a physical, printed copy in the mail a week or two later


Using letterstoshenita.com is free for sending digital-only letters to up to 5 recipients (max 4 letters per month, per recipient).

Upgrading for $2 per month removes these sending limitations, and allows you to start sending physical copies of your letters to recipients. Your first physical letter each month is free, and sending additional physical letters costs $1.50 each.


Why does this exist?

There's nothing like getting a physical letter from your loved ones in the mail, it's heartwarming. Emails and text messages can be great, but they somehow feel less sincere and can easily get lost in the noise. letterstoshenita.com gives you the best of both worlds, your loved ones get both a digital copy they can read instantly, and a physical copy shortly afterwards they can store and cherish forever.

Why does this cost money?

The goal here isn't to make money. We have a generous free tier, and otherwise, we're priced at-cost. Sending physical letters isn't cheap; under the hood, we use the Lob API to send physical mail. Our prices roughly reflect theirs.

Wouldn't it be cheaper to just send a letter to my loved one myself?

Yes it would be. You should go do that! I'm sure they'd appreciate it 😊

How do I see an archive of letters people have sent to me?

Simply sign-up/login with the same email address that you receive letters with. In the dashboard, you'll be able to see all the mailboxes that you're a recipient of, as well as subscribe to them via RSS.

Who's Shenita?

The girl I love.

Does this site use any JavaScript?

Absolutely not!